42 Best Notion Templates for 2024 (Free and Paid)
Whether you’re new to Notion or a veteran looking for inspiration for something new to create, below we’ve rounded up some of the best Notion templates you can take for a spin today. But be sure to keep checking back — we update this list regularly.
1. Kanban Board
We’ve tried a lot of different Kanban Boards, but we found they often become too overwhelming — people add far too many columns and relationships to the point where you end up spending more time managing the workflow than you do on with the task at hand, so we created this raw Notion Kanban Board Template.
We haven’t filled it through of complicated features. Instead, it’s akin to the basic Kanban Board you can create in Notion with a click of two out of the box. The workflow is simple: Add the tasks you need to complete to the first column, move them over to the second while you’re working on them, then to the third when done.
You can assign tasks to other people and set deadlines down the the hour and minute. You can also set a reminder in Notion to be delivered at a time that’s convenient for you — similar to how the reminders feature in Microsoft Outlook works, so you can be notified about tasks coming due tomorrow the day before.
Download Kanban Board Template
2. All-Purpose Notebook
What we believe to be the Swiss Army Knife of Notion templates, our All-Purpose Notebook lets you store notes, links, documents, locations and even snippets of code. These entries are stored in a structured way, separated by topic, and can be filtered in various different ways, like by files edited within the last week (default).
Written notes are shown in a preview on the dashboard, so you can see what’s inside without opening the file. Other supported entries come with custom artwork, which is automatically added when the note is created, to keep the experience consistent across the entire notebook. You can create more of these with the included PSD.
The default view will show all entries edited within the last week. You can switch to all entries edited today with the click of a button, or to a calendar view to see what happened in an entire month. You can also browse by file type to boot — you can view all of the photos in your notebook in one place, for example.
Download All-Purpose Notebook Template
3. To-Do List
Notion has its own version that users are required to use to use Alexa with Notion, but we feel this is the best Notion To-Do List Template available for everyone else. That’s because the stock template that Notion created is a bit too Kanban-like for us, requiring users to spend time organizing their list.
What we’ve done is create a Notion To-Do List Template that uses filters and sorting options to automatically collate tasks and provide them in different views. For instance, you can view all overdue tasks or what you need to do tomorrow with the click of a button — similar to our Daily Schedule Template.
You can add tasks to categories to keep them bunched together. This is useful for keeping track of all the tasks associated with a particular project. Because you can set a reminder in Notion, you can also set a specific time to complete the task and receive a notification through the Notion App when it’s time to do it.
Download To-Do List Template
4. Daily Schedule
We created this Notion Daily Schedule Template to make it easier to bring your calendar and to-do list under one roof. You can add new tasks, events and reminders with the click of a button. These are shown in a timeline view by default but can be switched to a traditional list that can be checked as complete each item.
Other notable features include pre-built views that let look back at yesterday’s events and tasks and see what’s on the docket for tomorrow. You also have the option to take a step back and view all of the events in a monthly calendar, or filter by all overdue tasks in a timeframe (today, yesterday, this week or this month).
There’s also a dedicated Event template built in with dedicated sections for discussion points, action items and a place to store resources, which is ideal for planning meetings, taking notes in them and storing any files that are shared by other attendees in a time capsule that can be referred to in the future.
Download Daily Schedule Template
5. Grocery List
There is such a thing as shopping efficiently. It’s faster if you buy all your vegetables at the same time as they’re in the same part of the store and studies have found following a list cuts down on overall spending too, so reducing the amount of time spent at the location running back and forth can only reduce temptation.
We created this Notion Grocery List Template to be as structured as one can be, sorted into various categories — from Bakery and Fruit & Vegetables to Meat & Fish and Pharmacy & Wellness — so you can check off all of the items located in one section of the store before moving on to the next.
You can also assign a store to each product, which will populate a dedicated list for each store. Plus, because Notion is a collaborative suite, housemates to share the list viewing it and adding or striking off items at home and on the move. Only one person needs to purchase the template to they can invite people to collaborate.
Download Grocery List Template
6. Contractor Invoice & Database
We took it a step further when creating this Notion Invoice Template and instead developed what we’re calling an Invoicing Database. It can be used to not only create new invoices with the click of a button, but to also catalog them in a central location, filterable by client, invoice status and even creation date, month or year.
You don’t need to download the invoices to send them. You can use Notion’s built-in sharing feature to create a link that can be sent with the client. They will then be able to view the invoice in their browser and print it without losing the formatting. You can even take steps to password protect a Page in Notion, including an invoice.
While this ins’t a free Notion Invoice Template, it is a fantastic solution for small contractors looking for a cheap way to create and track invoices with complete control of their data. Best of all, because Notion syncs across devices, you can create, send or update the status of new invoice at home, in the office or on the move.
Download Contractor Invoice + Database Template
7. Clean Dashboard Template
Designed to serve as a command station, our Notion Clean Dashboard Template is a safe haven to store links to your most frequented Pages. It has a functional Sticky Notes feature that can be used to scribble fast notes, like a cell number or an access code that needs to be referred to later — accessible on desktop and mobile.
We’ve included some of our most popular Notion templates for free, including our Daily Schedule Template and our All-Purpose Notebook Template to arm the dashboard with some extra smarts. Thanks to these integrations, it’ll automatically serve up your schedule and to-do list each day, listed alongside your recent notes.
Set it as your Start Page in Notion and you’ll be able to see what’s next on your agenda as soon as you open the Notion App, as well as any brain nudes you left in the Sticky Notes. It’s also ideal for jumping into a note you were working on without having to navigate to another Page to find it — everything is there in one place.
Download Clean Dashboard Template
8. Simple Dashboard
There isn’t a whole lot to this Notion Simple Dashboard Template. There’s space for links to Pages and a section to keep track of outstanding chores, to-do list items and other things you need to remember, as well as a Notion Weather Widget that can be customized through Indify (for free) to show a forecast for your location.
It isn’t quite as advanced as the Clean Dashboard Template above, but it’s a must-have for anyone looking for a simple solution to add some structure to their Notion Workspace. If you’re looking for something that’ll work for you, serving up your schedule and recent notes, consider upgrading to the Clean Dashboard instead.
Download Simple Dashboard Template
9. Simple OKR
An acroynm for Objectives and Key Results, an OKR is a fantastic way to break ambitious goals into more digestible chunks, so you can both visualize the path to achieving them and monitor your progress — and our Simple OKR template will do the hard work for you.
Just drop in your goals, key results and your progress and it’ll calculate how much progress you’ve made, displayed in a neat visualization.
Download Simple OKR Template
10. Habit Tracker
The secret to forming a new habit is consistency. Whether you’re looking to start working out on a daily basis, start waking up early, or eat healthier, you need to be able to track your progress – and this Habit Tracker template does the trick.
Download Habit Tracker Template
11. Simple Resume
We created this simple, information-rich Notion Resume Template to draw the hiring manager in the second they look at it. That’s why there’s a top for a short list of your three most polished professional skills at the top and space for an accomplishment.
You then have space to list all of your current and previous positions with space for a callout for each and sections to highlight your Education and Professional Certifications, with space to add any additional information like number of languages spoken.
Adding even more value, we also created our Notion Resume Template to double as a virtual digital landing page of sorts, which can be modified for each position you’re applying for. You can record a short video to embed at the top to make it more personal.
Download Simple Resume Template
12. Productivity System
If you’re juggling projects and deadlines, this Productivity System template will help break them down into digestible chunks and assign blocks of time to complete them. You can also store links to important files and documents.
Download Productivity System Template
13. Daily Journal
Ditch the notebooks and document your life with this Journal template for Notion. The possibilities are endless – write, upload images and videos, and store memorable files. You can even insert important links you’ve found online.
Download Daily Journal Template
14. Subscription Tracker
Keep a log of all the various services you subscribe to – Adobe Creative Cloud, Amazon Prime, etc. – how much they cost, and their renewal date with this Subscription Trackers template. There’s even an option to work out annual costs.
Download Subscription Tracker Template
15. Job Hunt Tracker
There’s nothing more stressful than searching for a new job. This Job Hunt Tracker template aims to take some off the stress out of it though, letting you catalog all roles your interested in and interview progress in one place.
Download Job Hunt Tracker Template
16. Mood Board
There’s no need to fire up Pinterest to hunt for inspiration. You can create your very own mood or inspiration within Notion with this Mood Board template. Upload your own images or choose from the 950,000 free on Unsplash.
Download Mood Board Template
17. Meeting Notes
Created by David Tibbitts, this Meeting Notes template makes it easy to capture notes from all meetings in one accessible spot. Notes can be tagged by meeting type to make them easy to find and come with space for a participants list.
Download Meeting Notes Template
18. Meal Planner
Create a meal database that can be used to build a weekly meal plan with this Meal Planner template. Developed by the Notion team, it automatically marks ingredients needed for each meal on a list, meaning less trips to the store.
Download Meal Planner Template
19. Food Diary
This Food Diary template makes it easy to keep track of the various meals you consume over the course of a day, week, month, or even year. There’s space to add comments too, so you can document exactly how it made you feel after.
Download Food Diary Template
20. Inventory Management
Looking for a basic way to keep track of inventory for a small store? This Basic Inventory Management template lets you build a semi-automated stock-keeping solution within Notion, complete with traffic light view for at-a-glance updates.
Download Food Diary Template
21. Personal Rolodex
This is a bit of a weird one, but if you’re anything like me you’ll appreciate a place to store memorable information about people you meet, so the next time you forget your colleague’s son’s name, you’ll be able to dig it out.
Download Personal Rolodex Template
22. Decision Journal
This decision journal template will help you rationalize decisions, weighing up the advantages and disadvantages, what the proposed solution will achieve, complexities and predictions so you can cover all bases.
Download Decision Journal Template
23. Quick Note
In our Notion vs Evernote comparison, we noted that Evernote was superior to Notion in the note-taking department because it’s more streamlined, but this template hopes to change that, letting you add a new, structured note in a flash.
Download Quick Note Template
24. Video Game Tracker
Out of all the Notion templates we’ve featured here, this one is in my personal top three. This straightforward Video Game Tracker template will let you log all the games in your collection, the console they’re for, the date you beat them, and any notes.
Download Video Game Tracker Template
25. Vocabulary Builder
Trying to learn a new language or broaden your vocabulary? This template will help. Add the new word you’ve heard and the definition, then mark off significant milestones — the first time you use it in a sentence, for example.
Download Vocabulary Builder Template
26. Simple Blog Website Layout
One of the best Notion personal website templates out there, you can use this template to create a blog in seconds. There’s a homepage, curated using a combination of images, text and links, and Pages which serve as sections of the website with space to feature an article or even create a full river of content in each section.
There are breadcrumbs that appear across each section and the articles included within them to make it easier to return to the section itself or even jump back to the homepage. If you sign up for a Notion Personal Pro subscription, you can set Pages to be indexed by (read: discoverable on) Google.
Download Simple Blog Website Layout
27. Eisenhower Matrix
Believed to be one of the best prioritization tools, the Eisenhower Matrix is a way of looking at your to-do list that will help you prioritize tasks by urgency and importance, filtering out less urgent tasks that you should either delegate or not do at all.
Download Eisenhower Matrix Template
28. Household Chores
Keep dust at bay with this Household Chores template. Simply list all of your tasks, the rooms of the house they need to be done in, the frequency, and then the next date they’re due to be done and keep track of your progress in Notion.
Download Household Chores Template
29. Wishlist
Found something you like the look of online but can’t afford it yet? Add it to your very own virtual wishlist, so you can either save up or circle back to it when it’s payday. This template is broken into sections, letting you group products based on their price.
Download Wishlist Template
30. Plants Manager
Follow this process and your plants will live forever. Add them all to the plants manager database in Notion, alongside important maintenance information, like how much water is needed, then keep track of when you last watered and fertilized them.
Download Wishlist Template
31. Minimal Dashboard
Frequent Notion users will want to consider creating a dashboard with quick links to all of their most frequent pages. This minimal dashboard template will let you create a no-frills homepage that can be accessed from all your devices.
Download Minimal Dashboard Template
32. TV Tracker
This template makes it easy to keep track of all the movies and shows you’ve watched. Just enter the titles, how many seasons and episodes are available if it’s a show, and how much you’ve watched, and even a rating.
Download TV Tracker Template
33. Wikipedia Wiki
If you’re creating a Wiki in your Workspace, why not take inspiration from the largest encyclopedia on the planet?. This template will let you recreate your very own version of Wikipedia in your Workspace, complete with a functional table of contents.
Download Wikipedia Page Template
34. Portfolio
Tools like Dribble and MuckRack are fantastic for creating a portfolio for one thing, but if you’re a contractor dabbling in multiple fields, they quickly fall apart. With this template, you can create your own, customizable, multi-layered portfolio in Notion.
Download Portfolio Template
35. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Create the ultimate, consistent SOP with this template, complete with space to embed a Loom demonstration and Micro collaborative (virtual) whiteboards, stored in a place accessible by everyone in your Notion Workspace.
Download Portfolio Template
36. Investments Tracker
Whether you’re a first-time or veteran investor, it’s always a smart decision to keep a close eye on your returns. Add each investment to table, then use it to keep track of movement. It’s a fantastic way to see your entire portfolio on one place.
Download Investments Tracker Template
37. Sticky Notes
Sometimes we need to scribble down a short, sweet note to serve as a reminder — and Post-its are one of the best ways to do that. Now, you can create your own Sticky Notes with the click of a button in your Notion Workspace. You can even favorite the Page for fast access or move it to the top of your sidebar to make it your Start Page.
Each new note added will have the date it was created recorded. The note will be shown until you archive it by dragging it into the Archive (look for the trashcan icon) on the right. Old notes are accessible from in the Archive, arranged in chronological order from the date they were archived, so the last archived card will be at the top.
We’ve been using this versatile tool to store short, temporary snippets of information that don’t have a place in another Page in our Workspace, sort of like a kitchens ink, and to serve as a holding area for information before we flesh them out and move them to a section better suited to them, archiving the note when we’re done with it.
Download Sticky Notes Template
38. Event Countdown
You’re counting down to a big event. Maybe it’s your birthday, or an anniversary, or someone else’s birthday or anniversary, or, better yet, a vacation. Whatever the occasion, this fun little Notion Event Countdown Template will tell you exactly how many days you have to wait until it happens from the comfort of your Notion Workspace.
Just add a new event, the date it occurs and a cover image and the template will then how the number of days between now and when it happens, counting down each day. By default, upcoming events are shown. You can switch to the Past Events view to look back and see how long it has been since a past event happened.
Best of all, we created this template to be flexible. It’s built on top of a database, so you can open each event card and use it to house pertinent information, like how much has been paid to date and the remaining balance who, boarding passes and reservations and a travel schedule with departure and check-in times.
Download Event Countdown Template
39. Birthday Tracker
There isn’t a whole lot to be said about this Notion template — it does what it says on the tin. Just add someone’s date of birth and it’ll calculate their current age and their next birthday. You can then use the built-in alternate view to see all of the events happening next month.
Download Birthday Tracker Template
40. Goals Tracker
Created by the team at Notion Wizard, this Notion goals template is your one-stop shop for outlining and staying on top of achievements. It’s flexible and can be used to map out and hit short-term goals, and more sizable, long-term ones too.
Download Goals Tracker Template
41. Simple Job Board
This is the easiest way to add a free Job Board to any website, whether it’s hosted in Notion or not. Some people choose to use Notion to advertise opportunities but host the rest of their website on another platform like Squarespace, including a link to the Page in Notion on their website — and vice versa.
The main benefit of hosting a Job Board on Notion is that it’s built on top of a series of databases — one for each department in the business — so individual roles can be referenced in other internal documents, making it easier to collaborate with stakeholders.
42. Weekly Agenda
Plan out your entire week with this Weekly Agenda template. Set daily tasks, outline important things to remember, keep track of habits, and then reflect on how productive the week has been on Sunday – all from one dashboard.
Download Weekly Agenda Template